
The history of Sirsi Metallisator
Aziende Riunite SIRSI METALLISATOR S.r.l. was born from the fusion of two anonymous companies, SIRSI and METALLISATOR, on the 28th September 1955. SIRSI was established in Turin on the 2nd of April 1927 with a capital of 1,150,000 Italian Lire, significant for that time, equally divided between the two founding partners: Leonardo Cerini, who was the first President, and SNIA VISCOSA, a prestigious company founded by the well-known customs officer Riccardo Gualino. He was the largest producer of "rayon" in Italy and he was linked to the major English and American companies in the sector.
METALLISATOR ITALIANA S.A., founded in 1929 as a direct emanation of METALLISATOR A.G. in Berlin, started to produce systems for cold spraying metallization that required the "sandblasting" for everything that was to be metallized.
Until then, sandblasting plants were completely unknown in Italy.
A remarkable new enterprise developed. An extraordinary photographic documentation of these years shows the high technical level attained and the diversification of the very complex plants with high automatic systems. The METALISATOR remained the only one in Italy to produce sandblasting machines until the end of the Second World War.
The end of the war marked the restart of all the activities: METALLISATOR started the production of turbine sandblasting machines and SIRSI developed a series of sleeve valves, which were produced at the beginning of the 1950s.
There the story ends and a recent industrial chronicle of constant progress and success of the company begins.
The first President and founder, Viscount Leonardo Cerini of Castegnate, tireless and hard-working entrepreneur, died in October 1964 after a laborious life. His son Livio was appointed as president. The grandson of the founder named after his grandad, Leonardo Cerini, immediately took an active part in the company, and now he is Managing Director and General Manager.
Sirsi Metallisator today
SIRSI METALLISATOR shot blasting machines have been part of the evolution in the sector, then have been ahead of their time and exceeded their limits. They have achieved maximum power, capacity and the highest production in terms of tons, number of items and square metres of treated surface area per unit of time.
SIRSI METALLISATOR shot blasting machines are used all over the world with the satisfaction of the best customers.
Today SIRSI valves are not only used in Italy, but also in all European Community countries, in Russia and Asia, along the Mediterranean coasts of Africa and in mines in central Europe, the Middle East, South-East Asia and China.
They are known for their strength, durability and reliability even in the most demanding applications.